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Version: 1.0.0


We anticipate that users accessing the data will have varied exposure to formal training in research methods and considerations for the ethical conduct of research involving data collected from human participants. If you have completed a formal course in research methods as part of your education AND, have successfully completed training on how to conduct ethical and responsible research (see Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative [CITI] or Human Research Protections[OHRP] programs) you may access the AI-READI public dataset.

If you have not completed formal training in research methods, please review the materials located here before accesing the dataset:

Basic Research Concepts training covers fundamental principles and methodologies essential for understanding and conducting research effectively across various disciplines.

If you have not completed training on how to conduct ethical and responsible research with data collected from human participants, please review the materials located here before accessing:

Human Rights Protection Training focuses on ethical guidelines, regulations, and procedures to ensure the welfare and rights of human subjects in research.

All of Us Educational Modules

Provided below are modules developed by a team affiliated with the All of Us Research Program. Like AI-READI and other Bridge2AI datasets, the data are available to data users for the purpose of advancing health knowledge. The data were collected from patients/participants and, as such, it is important that research using these data be conducted ethically and responsibly. The modules available are to provide data users with information about conducting ethical and responsible research.


K.D. Blizinsky, S. Chandrasekharan, S. Jooma, et al. The _All of Us_ Responsible Conduct of Research Training: A Modular Approach to Researcher Education (manuscript forthcoming).

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