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Peripheral Neuropathy / Monofilament Testing

Overview of Data Domain

Monofilament Test

The monofilament test, also known as the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test, is widely utilized as a clinical assessment tool for evaluating tactile sensitivity and detecting peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage of the extremities). During the test, a small, flexible nylon filament is applied to the sole of the feet (sites A, B and C), exerting a predetermined amount of pressure. The patient is then asked to report whether they feel the sensation. By recording the responses, healthcare providers identify areas of reduced sensitivity, which may indicate nerve damage. Scoring eight correct responses out of ten applications is typically considered normal. If a patient responds correctly to one to seven applications, it indicates reduced sensation, while no correct responses suggest absent sensation.

The tests are administered by trained Clinical Research Coordinators, who record the results using an iPad, laptop, or paper questionnaire, directly inputting them into the project's REDCap.

A drawback of the monofilament test is its subjective nature, as it relies on the subject's response to the sensation rather than providing objective measurements. Additionally, variations in the application of pressure by the healthcare provider may affect the consistency and reliability of the results.

Data Processing

File format

Peripheral neuropathy data collected during the test is entered directly into the REDCap form titled “Monofilament” using an iPad or laptop. Subsequently, data from all subjects is stored in a .csv file, along with other RedCap measurements. A .csv file, short for Comma-Separated Values, is a commonly used file format for storing tabular data in plain text, where each line represents a row of data and each value within the row is separated by a comma.

The file organization is as follows:

└── clinical_data
└── measurement.csv
DomainVariableMethodData Standard/ File ExtensionOpen Source vs. Protected Database?
Peripheral neuropathyMonofilament testCRC- administered REDCap.csvOpen Source

Data Standards

MoCA data follows the OMOP Common Data Model. OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) is a collaborative effort focused on standardizing and analyzing healthcare data. Developed by the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) community, OMOP provides a standardized data model, vocabulary, and analytics tools to enable large-scale analysis of real-world healthcare data.

File Processing

The .csv files are designed for easy opening in Python and/or Jupyter Notebooks. The data is organized per subject (person_id) and within each subject block i.e. ~30 rows, each row corresponds to a different measurement type (measurement_concept_id) for that subject.

Metadata and Example Outputs

Data ElementsDescriptionExample
measurement_idIdentifier for the measurement record23
person_idSubject ID (serves as foreign key to the OMOP Persons table)0000
measurement_concept_idConcept identifier representing the type of measurement4047085 (for peripheral neuropathy)
measurement_dateDate of the measurement2023-08-28
measurement_datetimeDate and time of the measurement2023-08-28 00:00:00
measurement_timeTime of the measurementblank
measurement_type_concept_idConcept identifier representing the type of measurement32862
operator_concept_idConcept identifier representing the operator involved in the measurement0
value_as_numberNumeric value of the measurement0
value_as_concept_idConcept identifier representing the value of the measurement0
unit_concept_idConcept identifier representing the unit of measurement0
range_lowLower range of normal values for the measurementblank
range_highUpper range of normal values for the measurementblank
provider_idIdentifier for the healthcare provider0
visit_occurrence_idIdentifier for the measurement visit0
visit_detail_idIdentifier for additional details about the visit0
measurement_source_valueOriginal value in the source data representing the measurementRefer to the table below*
measurement_source_concept_idConcept identifier in the source data representing the measurement0
unit_source_valueOriginal value in the source data representing the unit of measurementblank
unit_source_concept_idConcept identifier in the source data representing the unit of measurement0
value_source_valueOriginal value in the source data representing the measurement value0
measurement_event_idIdentifier for the specific event associated with the measurement0
meas_event_field_concept_idConcept identifier representing the specific field being measured within the measurement event0

*Peripheral Neuropathy values are stored for individual Right and Left foot. For each foot, the number of sites felt are recorded. For example:

Order of TestingMeasurement conditionsmeasurement_source_value : (measured value)measurement_concept_id
1Right Foot: Number of correct responsesRight Foot - Felt: (10.0)2005200159
2Left Foot: Number of correct responsesLeft Foot - Felt: (8.0)2005200161

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