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Version: 1.0.0


AI-READI Questionnaires

The AI-READI dataset includes a wide variety of questionnaires. There is an Initial Screening Questionnaire that was used as an initial screening tool for enrollment. The questionnaire asks participants if they are pregnant or have Type 1 diabetes, which are both exclusion criteria for the AI-READI study. Those who are 40 or older, are not pregnant, and do not have Type 1 diabetes were then presented with a series of additional questions on previous diabetes diagnoses, diabetes-related medications, biological sex assigned at birth, and race/ethnicity. This questionnaire enabled the AI-READI project to properly stratify enrollment based on recruitment needs and allow ongoing monitoring of participation rates.

For participants who were consented and enrolled in AI-READI, they then completed various questionnaires to gather additional data. Here, we provide an overview of these instruments. Some were validated instruments used in prior studies, while others were uniquely created for AI-READI. The individual links provided below contain additional information such as copies of the instruments themselves and scoring guidelines, if applicable. This will allow researchers to ascertain what precise data were gathered in these questionnaires.


The following questionnaires were presented to AI-READI participants for completion:

  • A demographics questionnaire to assess date of birth, gender identification and marital status. However, some of these information are not included in the publicly released dataset and are only available in the controlled access dataset. Specifically, birth year, age, and marital status will be open source; gender identity will be controlled-access. Date of birth will not be available in either dataset.
  • A general health questionnaire to assess overall health history, presence of other medical conditions (including eye conditions), and history of falls.
  • Diabetes self care questionnaire assessing dietary habits, fitness and self care.
  • The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D-10) will be used to assess the presence of depression, a common comorbidity of depression.
  • Social determinants of health which encompass the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. This questionnaire includes items regarding education level, housing, English proficiency, etc. There are also additional surveys focused on food insecurity, neighborhood environment, and racial and ethnic discrimination. These are known to drive health disparities.
  • Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID-5), which are 5 questions that focus on understanding how diabetes has impacted the participant's life, i.e. diabetes associated injuries, lifestyle changes and medical care.
  • Vision and access to eye care questionnaire regarding current vision, any impairments, timing of last eye exams, and access to eye care professionals.
  • Dietary Survey, which will ask the participant questions about food and drink habits, because diet impacts development and severity of type 2 diabetes.
  • Substance use, which will ask about tobacco, alcohol, and other substances.
  • Medications - Each participant was asked to provide a list of medications. However, these are not currently included in the publicly accessible version 1 dataset.

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